Here you can directly download all the data of our granulopoiesis multi-omics analysis.
While raw data are distributed via public repositories, this website hosts processed data that allow execution of our
R-Markdown analysis scripts. This enables complete reproduction and includes intermediary and unpublished results.
- Packages and functions needed for the scripts to run
- Complete data sets as zipped .RData files as used in the scripts
- Nomenclature of data:
- exp = expression data
- san = sample annotations
- fan = feature annotations
- Info
- Expression data
- Annotation data
- Info
- Expression data
- Processed data
- Unprocessed data
- Raw data
- Proteome Xchange
- Annotation data
- Info
- Expression data
- Processed data
- Unprocessed data
- Raw data
- Gene expression omnibus
- Annotation data
- Sample annotation proc.
- Sample annotation raw
- No feature annotation data beyond identifiers in exp
* TPM = transcripts per million / ** VSN = variant stabilizing normalization / *** unnormalized log2 values /
**** unfiltered, unselected